Things are done, over and over again. Small became huge, immature became mature, bad became worst. Things are done by what you did, like how water flows according to the shape of the river and somehow, it will be the end of the steps that u are making ; the final step, just like the water flew from the river to the sea. Decisions made by either good choices or bad choices. Nothing stays between them, nothing, it's no interval or so called the "neutral gap".
Sometimes things happened not according to what you want, or you can say, most of the time. Yes, it's the truth that can't be changed or even bend, not like a wire that u can bend as the shape of what you like, it's a test tube that it's fixed, very vulnerable as it's made by glass with a fixed shape, u just can't change it unless you break it and make another one, but the shape u make of what u wish, it won't be perfect with the sizes are not the same.
Being a great, wealthy or wise person is not an easy task as like what people says, great warriors came from experiences. People should just go through some hard times, the hard times which bringing good deeds to self and it's awakening medicine to realize how crucial is the world. Being smart and make good choices are the one and only way to live in this world, trust yourself that you could make a change, bring the star down, and having faith inside of you is a must which it's the initial steps for you to begin for a change.
Telling vulgars does make you feel cool of yourself, but it doesn't applies on how people look at you, no doubt, that's not even a tiny percent of coolness in you ; people look at you like a tiny monkey jumping around in one of the cage in zoo, yet you feel like a King Kong owning the big city which it is an awful truth. To certain people, vulgars accepted, certain people, vulgars screwed. Close friend knows every single thing of you and understands you, outsider, will eventually misunderstands you.
It's hard sometimes to let go of something that you used to care so much, but you just have to, people is aging, things get tiring, advices become boring.